Waddle said the perception that he handled himself with dignity during the court of inquiry has helped him in his meetings with corporate executives

Photo by Associated Press

He has surprised close friends with the interviews he has received, some from companies that have undergone layoffs since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the United States. Corporate executives put more value in the way Waddle handled himself during the grueling, 12-day court of inquiry than they did in any sort of blame for the collision.

Hear an excerpt of Waddle's interview. (Real Player required.)
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Page 2: His goal
Page 3: Leaving Hawai'i
Page 4: A lot of 'what-ifs'
Page 5: Falling from grace
Page 6: Job offers
Page 7: His strength
Page 8: Victims' families
Page 9: Expressing regret
Page 10: Being forgiven
Full story
Special: Collision at sea
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